This is my adorable Niece, Katelyn. She's taking dance, and is the most beautiful ballerina ever! I love that when she's wearing her costume, she's a different girl, much more prim and proper (not that she isn't normally, but we had to work a little to get that girl to smile!) She was all business.
I am in love with how these photos turned out, and had SO much fun taking them! It totally made me want to put my girls in dance class! Enjoy Jenina!
This is such a fun family that I was able to photograph, not once, but twice! Luckily dad was able to put up with me twice, I know my hubby would not have been too excited. Their two kids are absolutely adorable, and I couldn't get over their sons eyes, SO enchanting!
Enjoy the little sneak peak!
Seriously, look at this little guys eyes, SO beautiful!
I just loved this photo. She seems so happy and carefree! What little girl doesn't love to just twirl?
Last week I was able to get together with my sister-in-law and take some photos of her adorable little kids! They are so cute, and besides not really loving the camera, they did great, and actually smiled for me a few times:)
Seriously, I have the most fun being able to do this, especially when it's my own nieces and nephews that I get to photograph. Enjoy Jess!
Meet sweet baby E, a gorgeous little week old boy that I was able to get photos of this past week. He wsa adorable, and so great! It was kinda fun to hold a newborn again, especially one as cute as this little guy.